Welcome to my Crisis
Welcome to My Crisis Hello, my name is Jayden. I am a 23 almost 24 year old going through existential crisis daily. This is supposed to be comedic but also showing the voice of younger mind experiencing todays world, through the good, bad, and disgustingly ugly. If I make any grammar mistakes, please don't let that take priority in what you are about to read. I want you to read my heart and mind, not my punctuations. Why did I start blogging? Doubt any of you asked but here is my answer. I love journaling, I'm sure most do. Me doing this can help me connect with people who could be feeling the same way. Crisis does not come with an age. It is a feeling like no other. I invite you on my journey on finding myself, and can hopefully help someone do the same. My current situation is simple. I'm unemployed. I didn't get fired, this was my decision. I worked for a start up company that disrespected me and my abilities. I left because I wasn't going to...